Kunsthalle Athena logo by Angelo Plessas

Since its inception Kunsthalle Athena has been operating exclusively on voluntary basis with the support of a dynamic team of curators, artists, staff and creative partners.

The only possible way to continue is through your support!

There are multiple ways that you can help us:

Members / Allies    Young Sponsors / Guardian Angels    Sponsors / Defenders    Major Sponsors / Saviours

You can reach us by e-mail: info@kunsthalleathena.org


 http://www.twitter.com/kunsthalleathen http://www.flickr.com/photos/kunsthalleathena http://www.youtube.com/kunsthalleathena 

Kunsthalle Athena


Κεραμεικού 28, Κεραμεικός - Μεταξουργείο (χάρτης)

Πλησιέστερος σταθμός μετρό: Μεταξουργείο

Address: 28, Kerameikou str., Kerameikos - MetaxourgeioAthens (map)

Closest Metro station: Metaxourgeio