Kunsthalle Athena photo by Dimitris Papadopoulos
















Your support is extremely vital for Kunsthalle Athena. You will be the foundation of an exciting contemporary art institution in the form of Kunsthalle, the first of such type in Greece.

Your involvement as a Major Sponsor / Saviour is an active participation in establishing a flexible international contemporary art center in Athens. Needless to say that without your help, such a dream will not come into reality.

Join us now and and let’s change all together the cultural landscape of Athens.

Contribution: from 10.000 / year onwards

In joining us as a major sponsor, you will have benefits of all supporting groups.

You can decide:

Major Sponsors will be invited to be part of the Board of Directors of Kunsthalle Athena, if they wish, and take active part in decision making

Attend the bi-annual Board meetings with curators and staff of the Kunsthalle Athena

I want to save Kunsthalle Athena and receive more information on Major Sponsors / Saviours

Contact us: info@kunsthalleathena.org




 http://www.twitter.com/kunsthalleathen http://www.flickr.com/photos/kunsthalleathena http://www.youtube.com/kunsthalleathena 


Kunsthalle Athena


Κεραμεικού 28, Κεραμεικός - Μεταξουργείο (χάρτης)

Πλησιέστερος σταθμός μετρό: Μεταξουργείο

Address: 28, Kerameikou str., Kerameikos - MetaxourgeioAthens (map)

Closest Metro station: Metaxourgeio