Jungle juctiion, Robert Pettena comissioned by Kunsthalle Athena

Your contribution will be a solid basis for the continuation of Kunsthalle Athena. As an art lover, we want to invite you to join closely our team and be part of the exciting contemporary art world. 


Contribution: 2.000 € / year

If you want to join us as a Sponsor / Defender you have the following advantages:

We want to hear your ideas and validate your opinion:

Attend the annual cocktail meeting with the Kunsthalle Athena team to be informed about the upcoming artistic program and to give your opinion

We want to get together:

10% reduction on the tickets for the annual private Function for Sponsors for you and your friends

We show you around:

Join the curator-led art promenades around the city including visits of private collections, artist’s studios and galleries in Athens

Enjoy the expertise of our team to facilitate for you access to international art events and personal contacts with experts and artists of affiliated institutions worldwide

Early opportunity to make a reservation for the annual international Art Trip organized and guided by Kunsthalle Athena curators 

We want you here the first:

Join us for pre-opening receptions (invitation valid for 4 persons)

Take part in pre-organised out-of-hours tours of exhibitions and have behind the scene access with our curators

We want to get together:

Receive invitations to the yearly auction type exhibition, where artists donate special works to support Kunsthalle Athena

Attend the annual seminar around a topic of contemporary art, specially customized for the Sponsors of Kunsthalle Athena

We want to thank you:

Name recognition on our website and on-site (optionally)


I want to defend Kunsthalle Athena and receive more information on Sponsors / Defenders

Contact us: info@kunsthalleathena.org





 http://www.twitter.com/kunsthalleathen http://www.flickr.com/photos/kunsthalleathena http://www.youtube.com/kunsthalleathena 


Kunsthalle Athena


Κεραμεικού 28, Κεραμεικός - Μεταξουργείο (χάρτης)

Πλησιέστερος σταθμός μετρό: Μεταξουργείο

Address: 28, Kerameikou str., Kerameikos - MetaxourgeioAthens (map)

Closest Metro station: Metaxourgeio